
We’ve put together a list of frequently asked questions to help you get started.

I can’t connect to the server. What can I do?

Check the Server Address and Port
Ensure that you are using the correct server address and port. Sometimes, the server might have specific port settings (e.g., 6660-6669 or 6697 for SSL).

Check Your Internet Connection
Make sure you’re connected to the internet and that your connection is stable.

Try Using SSL (If Applicable):
Some servers require an SSL connection. Ensure you’re connecting via SSL (usually port 6697) if needed.

Use a Different IRC Client:
If you’re using a specific IRC client, try switching to another one to see if the issue persists.

Check for Server Issues:
The server you’re trying to connect to might be down or experiencing issues. Check our Server page

Reconnect or Try a Different Server:
Try reconnecting after a few minutes or connect to a different IRC server.

ZNC / BNC / psyBNC / Proxy / VPN:
If you’re using any kind of bouncer, proxy or vpn and can’t connect to our server, please disconnect your Proxy/VPN, use our webchat and join #help to ask for help.

Will other user able to see my IP address?

No, the server automatically masks your IP to other users. If you do a /whois on yourself, You can see it, but other normal users cannot.

I have been banned from a channel. What can I do?

You must speak to the operators of the channel and only to them. The operators of the channel do not need to have “reasons” to ban you, they decide what happens in the channel. Complaining to the staff of Kampungchat for having been kicked out or banned from a channel is considered extremely childish and will not change the outcome. The staff of KampungChat will not interfere in the rules of the channel, this is the sole responsibility of the operator of the channel itself. If you have been kicked out or banned from a channel you are free to create your own and decide your own rules and regulations. Consider every channel as if it were a home: the owner of that home has the right to share it with others or not and it is he/she who decides whom to let in and whom to exclude. In your home you decide, you are free to create your channel and establish your own rules.

How do I change my nickname password?

To change your nickname password, type: /msg Nickserv SET PASSWORD <newpass>

I forgot my nickname password. How can I reset the password?

If you lose or forget your services account password, you can recover it without network staff intervention with the SENDPASS command: /msg Nickserv SENDPASS <nickname>

This command will send a password reset key to the email address associated with the account. Follow the instructions given by Nickserv and outlined in the email to reset your password.

If you are not able to receive email at the address listed on the account, we will likely not be able to recover your account, as the email address is the means of verifying ownership. In the event we cannot verify the account is yours and you cannot remember the password, you will have to wait 365 days for that registration to expire. This is why it is very important that all accounts are registered with valid email addresses!

If any of the information above is not enough to help you solve your problem, get on the network and join the #help channel for further assistance or you can use our Helpdesk

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