The KampungChat IRC Network provides advertising and mass inviting policies to ensure a safe and comfortable server environment for all users. It is clear that advertising and mass inviting activities disrupt users.

KampungChat strictly prohibits advertising activities, including advertisements for channels/websites/IRC networks/viruses, and similar, to maintain the harmony of the KampungChat server.

Definition of Advertising/Mass Inviting

  • Sending messages to users to join channels, visit websites, join IRC networks, viruses, and similar.
  • Using the /quit message (displaying advertisements for channels, websites, IRC networks, viruses, and similar).
  • Using CTCP commands to invite, distribute viruses, or advertise.

KampungChat’s Responsibility Regarding Mass Ads

KampungChat reserves the right to take action against any KampungChat user found violating the code of conduct based on KampungChat’s policies and regulations. Actions may include:

  • Temporary ban (disconnect) from KampungChat for 1 day.
  • Your channel may be subjected to MassKicks or suspended.
  • Your nickname may be suspended, banned, or forbidden from use.


However, in the spirit of compromise, KampungChat allows users to engage in advertising/mass inviting under the following STRICT conditions ONLY:

  • Invite using manual /invite nick channel.
  • Invite slowly and without disturbing other users.
  • Invite only ONCE per user nickname.

Prohibited Actions During Invites

  • Flood inviting processes to users.
  • Use of any invite scripts.
  • Use of clones for inviting.
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